Veg Biriyani Racipe /Veg Biriyani Racipe in Hindi /How To Make Veg Biriyani at Home /2023

Veg Biriyani Racipe Experience the true essence of Indian cuisine with our Hyderabadi Veg Biryani. Crafted meticulously, this authentic vegetarian recipe combines fragrant rice, a medley of vegetables, and a symphony of aromatic spices. Infused with care and affection, this delectable veg dum biryani demands precision and a keen eye for detail. The rich tapestry of flavors that grace your palate from the very first mouthful undoubtedly justifies the dedication and time invested in its creation.

Veg Biriyani Racipe

Biryani, put simply, is a delightful dance of flavors where rice and curry come together in a harmonious culinary embrace. Picture a savory symphony where every bite is a melody of taste and texture.

Think of it as a distant cousin to those comforting, layered baked pasta dishes, with a twist that’s deeply rooted in rich spices and aromatic indulgence. The star of the show is the curry – it could be a carnivore’s delight with meats like chicken, mutton, or beef, or a vegetable wonderland for our herbivore friends.

Here’s the magic: this sumptuous curry is lovingly layered with partially cooked rice. This vibrant duo is then coaxed into a culinary tango through baking or ‘dum’ cooking. As they sway and mingle, the rice absorbs the essence of the curry, each grain soaking up a symphony of flavors.

In the world of meaty biryanis, the journey starts with a marinade, as the meats luxuriate in spices and seasoning before joining the curry chorus. On the other hand, our vegetable biryanis shine with their natural flavors, often skipping the marinade routine.

veg biriyani shorts video

So there you have it – biryani, or perhaps spelled as biriyani, is a gastronomic sensation that’s both a celebration of taste and a journey through cultures. It’s more than just a dish; it’s an experience that brings people and palates together in a delightful union.

Dum Cooking

Dum Cooking: A Gourmet Method With Traditional Roots

The culinary marvel referred to as “Dum cooking,” also known as “dum pukht” or “cooking on dum,” has its roots in the complex history of Persia.

This technique is a leisurely cooking dance where tastes develop and textures change inside tightly sealed earthen pots. Imagine layers of ingredients carefully cradled in a ceramic pan before being hermetically sealed by a dough prepared from inexpensive wheat flour.Veg Biriyani Racipe

The enchantment happens as this pot transforms into a sanctuary of flavors that are snugly enclosed. Like a secret being whispered, the steam is kept inside and is difficult to leave. The ingredients are transformed by this ethereal dance of steam and simmer, which encourages them to release their essence and combine in a symDum cooking, a crucial component of traditional biryani preparation, honors the usage of clay pots. Beyond its alluring flavor, this technique makes sure that the ingredients’ priceless nutrients are preserved, providing a wholesome and nutritious dining experience.

Essentially, “Dum cooking” is more than just a method; it’s also a window into a bygone period, a celebration of flavor mastery, and a nod to the fine art of slow-cooked perfection.phony of taste.

Veg Biriyani Racipe /Veg Biriyani Racipe in Hindi /How To Make Veg Biriyani at Home /2023

What ingredients would be best suited for Veg Biriyani

Rice: I personally lean towards aged basmati rice, though regular basmati rice is an equally fitting choice.

Water: Water takes on multiple roles here – soaking the rice, orchestrating the vegetable gravy, and joining forces with kewra water (pandanus extract) or rose water for a fragrant layering spectacle.

Veggie/Vegetable : The beauty of veg biryani lies in its veggie medley. You can sway with a solo veggie or waltz through an ensemble. My dance card features cauliflower, onions, potatoes, carrots, French beans, bell pepper (capsicum), button mushrooms, and cheerful green peas. If you’re feeling adventurous, aubergines, cabbage, broccoli, spinach, and kale are all ready to join the veg dum biryani symphony.

Creamy/Dairy: We’ve got ghee or clarified butter, curd (yogurt), and milk lending their velvety touch to the ensemble.

Nuts: Cashews and almonds step onto the stage, adding their crunchy melody to the mix.

Flavor Conductors: Cardamoms, cloves, cinnamon, tej patta (Indian bay leaf), mace, and saffron strands strike up the flavor orchestra. Of course, salt, turmeric powder, and a dash of red chili powder or its spirited cousins (cayenne pepper or paprika) join in to set the taste tempo.

Raw Spices: Shah jeera (caraway seeds) adds its distinct charm, while seedless raisins bring a subtle sweetness. And we can’t forget the trio of flavor virtuosos – ginger, garlic, and chilies – swaying in harmony with coriander leaves or cilantro, and the cool breeze of mint leaves.Veg Biriyani Racipe

How To Make Veg Biriyani Racipe ?

Soak The rice

Start by washing 1.5 cups of basmati rice (300 grams) in fresh water until the water becomes clear and not cloudy. You can do this using a bowl or a colander. Once you’ve rinsed the rice, let the rice grains soak in water for about 30 minutes. After letting the rice soak for half an hour, carefully pour out all the water and keep it aside.if you want make hydrabad biriyani you can use basamati rice .

Veg Biriyani Racipe /Veg Biriyani Racipe in Hindi /How To Make Veg Biriyani at Home /2023

Prep The Vegitable

While the basmati rice is taking its soak, use this time to get the other ingredients ready. Start by giving the veggies a good rinse, then peel and chop them. This prep work will really speed up the cooking process.Veg Biriyani Racipe

For the veggies, you’ll need about 3 cups of mixed vegetables, and feel free to include green peas if you like. The choice of veggies is up to you, so pick your favorites!

  • Onion-let’s tackle the aromatics. Thinly slice a large onion, which should come out to about a heaped cup.
  •  Ginger-Take about 10 grams of ginger (that’s around two 2-inch pieces) and finely chop or crush it – this should give you about 1 tablespoon of ginger paste.
  • Garlic-Similarly, chop or crush about 5 grams of garlic (which translates to 10 to 12 medium garlic cloves) to get half a tablespoon of garlic paste.
  • Chill-For a bit of heat, slit 3 to 4 green chilies.
  • And don’t forget the fresh flavors – chop up about 1/3 cup each of coriander leaves and mint leaves.Veg Biriyani Racipe
veg biriyani racipe

Cook Rice

Once you’ve got all your veggies sorted and chopped, it’s time to start working on the basmati rice. You’ve got a few options for cooking the rice – whether you’re using the microwave, a pressure cooker, an instant pot, or just a regular pot on the stove.Veg Biriyani Racipe

If you’re going the stovetop route, grab a deep-bottomed pan and pour in 5 cups of water. Get that water nice and hot, then it’s time to introduce your aromatic spices and flavors. Here’s what you’ll be adding for that fantastic veg dum biryani:Veg Biriyani Racipe

  • 1 tej patta (bay leaf)
  • 3 green cardamoms
  • 3 cloves
  • 1 black cardamom
  • 1 inch of true cinnamon or cassia cinnamon
  • 2 single strands of mace

Veg Biriyani Racipe Once those fragrant additions are in, let the water come to a boil on high heat. Now comes the moment to bring in the star of the show – your soaked basmati rice. Carefully introduce the rice to the aromatic water and give it a gentle stir with a spoon or fork. Take a taste of the water to ensure it’s got a hint of saltiness. And if it’s not quite there yet, a bit more salt should do the trick.

Now, here’s the trick to perfectly cooked rice: keep that heat going and let those grains cook away. You’re not looking for full doneness here, but rather about 75% cooked – just a bit undercooked is the sweet spot. Wondering how to check? Taste a grain! You should still feel a slight firmness in the center.

When you’ve hit that magic point, carefully drain the partially cooked rice in a colander. If you’re in the mood, you can even give them a gentle rinse with water to halt the cooking process.

And there you have it – rice that’s well on its way to Veg Biryani Racipe greatness!

Veg Biriyani Racipe /Veg Biriyani Racipe in Hindi /How To Make Veg Biriyani at Home /2023

Now Make Vegetable Gravy

Using a 2-liter pressure cooker or a pan, let’s start by getting that wonderful ghee warmed up – about 3 tablespoons should do the trick. Once the ghee is all nice and warm, it’s time to introduce those aromatic spices that’ll give your dish its magical flavors. Here’s the lineup:

  1. 1 teaspoon of shah jeera (caraway seeds)
  2. 1 tej patta (bay leaf)
  3. 3 green cardamoms
  4. 3 cloves
  5. 1 black cardamom
  6. 1 inch of cinnamon
  • Now Add Onion, as the spices crackle and release their wonderful aroma, it’s time to toss in those sliced onions.
  • Give them a good stir and let them sauté gently over medium heat. Onions can be a bit slow to cook, so a tiny pinch of salt can speed things up.
  • Stir them often to make sure they cook evenly and achieve that lovely golden-brown color.
  • While the onions are busy transforming, take a cup of fresh curd or yogurt and beat it until it becomes nice and smooth.
  • Keep an eye on those onions – once they’ve achieved that golden magic,
  • it’s time to bring in the dynamic duo of ginger-garlic paste and sliced green chilies.
  • If you prefer, finely chopping the ginger-garlic and tossing it in works just as well. Give everything a good sauté, letting that raw ginger-garlic aroma disappear into deliciousness.
  • Now, for a burst of color and flavor, add in half a teaspoon of turmeric powder and a teaspoon of red chili powder or cayenne. Stir it all up to create a vibrant blend.
  • Bring in the chopped veggies next, giving them a thorough mix in the aromatic goodness. Let them sauté for a quick 1 to 2 minutes to soak in those flavors.
  • Time to dial down the heat – carefully pour in the beaten yogurt or curd, stirring it in swiftly.
  • For some moisture, add about half a cup of water if you’re using the pressure cooker, or if you’ve opted for a pot, go for 3/4 cup water.
  • Now, let’s not forget the all-important seasoning – add salt according to your taste and give everything a good final mix.
  • And there you have it – your aromatic base is ready to welcome the rice and create a symphony of flavors.
Veg Biriyani Racipe /Veg Biriyani Racipe in Hindi /How To Make Veg Biriyani at Home /2023

Now Cook The Vegetable

Let’s get that pressure cooker or pot working its magic! If you’re using a pressure cooker, just one whistle or about 3 to 4 minutes on medium heat will do the trick. But if you’ve opted for a pot, keep a watchful eye and cook those veggies until they’re just right – no need to overcook them.

Once the pressure has eased off on its own, carefully unveil the deliciousness and take a look at that gravy.

  • If you find the veggies not quite done, no worries – just let the pressure cooker stay on the stove and gently simmer the veggie biryani gravy, uncovered, until they’re tender.
  • Should you notice that there’s a tad too much liquid in the gravy, let it simmer until things balance out. We’re aiming for a medium to slightly thick consistency, not too watery.
  • Here’s a touch of luxury: add in 2 tablespoons of cashews, 1 tablespoon of raisins, and 2 tablespoons of almonds (either blanched or raw). If you prefer, chop up those nuts before tossing them in. And don’t forget to give everything a good mix and stir.
  • While those veggies are working their magic, let’s warm up 4 to 5 tablespoons of milk – you can do this in a microwave or on the stovetop in a small pan. Add in ¼ teaspoon of saffron strands for that beautiful color and flavor. Mix it up and set it aside for the magic later.
  • Now, grab a sturdy, thick-bottomed pan – this is where the artistry comes in! Start by gently layering in half of that delightful vegetable curry, followed by half of the semi-cooked rice. Sprinkle in half of the chopped coriander (cilantro) and mint leaves, and then pour in that saffron-infused milk.
  • Keep the layers coming – add in the rest of the gravy, then the remaining rice. Top it off with the rest of the coriander leaves (cilantro), mint leaves, and saffron milk. And here’s a little extra something if you’re feeling fancy – a sprinkle of 2 teaspoons of rose water or kewra water (that’s pandanus extract).
  • As a bonus tip, if you’ve got them, go ahead and add a delightful crunch with ⅓ to ½ cup of golden-fried onions. Feel free to layer up either 2 or 4 layers like I’ve done, just remember that the rice should crown the dish, while the veggie gravy takes its place at the bottom. And there you have it – a stunning and delicious masterpiece in the making!
Veg Biriyani Racipe /Veg Biriyani Racipe in Hindi /How To Make Veg Biriyani at Home /2023

Now Veg Biriyani Ready

Veg BIriyani Racipe All Gradients Shorts

Ingredients: For the Rice:

  • 2 cups of Basmati rice, soaked for 30 minutes and drained
  • 4 cups of water
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 4-5 whole cloves
  • 2-3 green cardamom pods
  • Salt, to your taste

For the Vegetable Mix:

  • 2 cups of mixed vegetables (think carrots, beans, peas, and potatoes), diced
  • 1 large onion, thinly sliced
  • 1 tomato, finely chopped
  • 1/2 cup of plain yogurt
  • 1/4 cup of fresh mint leaves, finely chopped
  • 1/4 cup of fresh coriander leaves, finely chopped

For the Biryani Spice Blend:

  • 1 teaspoon of cumin seeds
  • 1 teaspoon of coriander powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon of red chili powder (adjust according to your spice preference)
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 2-3 green cardamom pods
  • 4-5 whole cloves
  • A pinch of saffron strands soaked in 2 tablespoons of warm milk

For Layering and Garnish:

  • Ghee or oil
  • Fried onions (for an irresistible crunch)
  • Cashews and raisins (to elevate the experience)


1. Getting the Rice Ready:

  • Place a large pot on the stove and bring 4 cups of water to a cheerful boil.
  • Add the soaked and drained Basmati rice, along with the bay leaf, cloves, green cardamom pods, and a touch of salt.
  • Let the rice cook until it’s about 70-80% done; you want those grains to be firm and full of character. Once ready, drain the rice and set it aside, basking in its aromatic glory.

2. Embarking on the Vegetable Adventure:

  • Fire up another pan over medium heat and grace it with a tablespoon of ghee or oil.
  • Sprinkle in the cumin seeds, cinnamon stick, cardamom pods, and cloves. Inhale deeply as the kitchen fills with their enchanting aroma.
  • Introduce the sliced onions to the party and let them dance until they don a golden-brown attire.
  • It’s time for the mixed vegetables to join in! Add them to the pan and let them sauté for a couple of minutes.
  • The tomatoes, mint leaves, and coriander leaves make their entrance. Allow them to mingle, lending their unique flavors to the mix.

3. Crafting the Biryani Spice Symphony:

  • Sprinkle the coriander powder, turmeric powder, and red chili powder over the vegetable blend, creating a colorful canvas of flavor.
  • Now, let’s introduce the yogurt to the scene, gently folding it into the mix. Allow this harmonious blend to simmer and meld for about 2-3 minutes, with the spices weaving their magic.

4. Unveiling the Layers of Delight:

  • In a majestic heavy-bottomed pot or a specialized biryani pot, lay down a delicate foundation of the vegetable mixture.
  • Grace this with a layer of the partially cooked rice, and don’t forget to sprinkle some of that saffron-kissed milk for an elegant touch.

5. Building a Flavorful Edifice:

  • Continue this enchanting architectural dance, alternating between layers of the vegetable mix and the rice, until both your artists are exhausted (meaning, until you’ve used up all your ingredients).
  • A final flourish of ghee or oil on the top will ensure your masterpiece glistens. Sprinkle the fried onions, cashews, and raisins to add a touch of luxury.

6. The Grand Finale – Dum Cooking:

  • Now, it’s time for the grand finale! Cover your pot with a snug-fitting lid, or you can even seal the edges with a bit of dough. This act traps the aromatic steam, creating a symphony of flavors within.
  • Let this concoction cook on low heat for a magical 20-25 minutes. This “dum cooking” technique weaves the flavors together, crafting a tapestry of taste.

7. Time to Savor the Magic:

  • Gently fluff up your Vegetable Biryani creation with a fork, allowing the fragrant clouds to escape and enchant your senses.
  • Plate up your masterpiece with pride and serve it alongside cooling raita, yogurt, or a crisp side salad. Every bite is a revelation of flavor and texture that’s sure to leave your guests mesmerized.

Conclusion: You’ve embarked on a culinary adventure that’s as satisfying to make as it is to eat. Our Vegetable Biryani recipe encapsulates the essence of Indian cuisine, where every layer tells a tale of vibrant ingredients and masterful spices. Be prepared to bask in compliments and the rich, flavorful experience that only a well-crafted biryani can provide. So, don your apron, gather your culinary companions, and set forth on this remarkable journey of taste and aroma. Happy cooking, and even happier indulging!

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